Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fresco-Collapse, Transition, Politics, Systems Approach

A month ago a few people started to protest on Wall Street. The numbers began to grow very quickly. The movement became Occupy Wall Street. Then three other places started Occupy protests in their area. Now there are countless protests all over the country. On October 15, 2011 the world came together for a global protest. This all started with just a few people that decided to make their voice heard. Protests have been going on for much longer than Occupy Wall Street. We can't forget that Egypt just overthrew their government for the same reasons. Tunisia, Africa, Greece, Italy...and don't forget the English that protested the rise in college tuition not so long ago. America is finally feeling the pinch and has joined the ranks of angry, scared and frustrated people who are living under a system that is smothering and destroying their future and the future of their children and grandchildren.
Jacque Fresco predicted these protests in 2009 when most of America still were to placated to voice their grievances. He also gives real solutions to our problem in depth. He also explains how government can't help the people. It's an excellent video.

Dialogue and Q&A with Jacque Fresco on July 26, 2009. Covering collapse and transitional issues, politics, and systems approach.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Jacque Fresco-The Great Depression

We have heard in the media that we are seeing unemployment that is reminiscent of the great depression. The homeless population is growing. The people are coming out of a long, deep coma and realizing that the system isn't perfect. You can work hard all your life, have a savings account, retirement account, college savings for the children, a mortgage that you are chipping away at month by month and are told by the company that you have given your lifeblood to that they need to downsize. The shareholders are expecting a certain return and to reach that goal...well, you've got to go. How can this happen? You did everything that you were told and expected to do. What happened to the American dream? We are entering a great depression of own. When our descendants learn about this moment in history, will they feel pride or disgust at their ancestors? The decisions should be easy. Let's leave a better world for them.

Jacque Fresco talks a little about what he experienced during the great depression.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jacque Fresco-Looking for Justice

Many people today are afraid of technology for one reason. Technology will put them out of their job. A friend of mine said that we were going to have to get rid of the technology so that people could have jobs. That was a new idea to me. I had always thought that humans would keep moving forward. We do move forward when it comes to the new phones, TV's, cars, computers, and other gadgets. We are not moving forward in the ways that matter like increasing the quality of life, ending hunger, homelessness, healthcare, education, and the list can go on and on. We are not moving forward with new ideas for society that would take us a step forward into the future. The way the world is going now is there going to be a future? I told my friend once that I wished I could have been born five hundred years in the future or even more so I could experience space travel (the sci-fi fan in me). How enlightened people would be in that time. She was quiet a moment and asked me a very simple question that left me speechless. "Why do think we will have moved forward? What makes you think we wouldn't have moved backward like in the movie Idiocracy (If you haven't seen this movie, you should)?" I still have no answer months later. That is a frightening thought to me.

In this video, Jacque Fresco explores job security, peace, conditioning in children, and the fallacy of justice. As usual, he is the voice of reason.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Venus Project-Scarcity, Justice, Transition, Resource Based Economy

{EAV_BLOG_VER:6297a0b4420eb5b9} A friend of mine brought up the price of gold the other day. People have been selling and buying gold like it was the California gold rush. I thought about it for a few minutes and I told her that I did not understand why people put so much worth into gold. It isn't a metal that is really used for anything except decorative purposes. You can't eat it or drink it. You can't make blankets or brush your teeth with it. She said that people would trade it for food. I was quiet for a moment again and asked her why someone who had food would trade it for gold. Wouldn't they trade it for blankets, clean water, shelter, or clothes? Wouldn't the people with the blankets, clean water, shelter or clothes trade for food? What would you do with gold? That's what I would do and I think I have some common sense. If I can't work on my car and the man down the street needed his clothes mended and we both were able to perform these tasks, wouldn't that make more sense than giving him my gold earrings (if I had any)? In the end, what does gold really offer?

Scarcity. Bigotry. Inequality. What do these values promote? How can we change these values? Who makes the wealthy rich? Why should they owe society anything? How does our economy create fairness and equality?How does our economy promote the health of our environment and the people who dwell on it? Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows answer these questions in the next of our videos.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

The Venus Project-Changing Values, Self-Appointed Guardians, Democratic System

Occupy Wall Street has been going on for a few weeks now. Protests in Europe have been going on for much longer than that. The world is coming together for the same reason. Anger. Anger at the corporations that have laid off their workers to increase their profits. Anger at the banks. Anger at the 1% who control what is happening to the 99%. Anger at rising prices, the dismantling of education, the high unemployment of college graduates and youth. Righteous anger! Jacque Fresco talks about what happens when you go against the social "norm". This is very interesting since he predicted what is happening before it happened.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

The Venus Project-Research Center

When I first heard the name The Venus Project, I wondered if it was named after the planet Venus. I have come a long way from that first thought and feel fortunate that I learned about Jacque Fresco's project. Jacob and I have a visit Venus, Florida and see first hand his ideas. We live in North Carolina which isn't too far away. The only snag is how difficult it is for Jacob to travel. Hopefully, we will be able to overcome some of those obstacles and take the tour.
Here is a short video narrated by Jacque and Roxanne that not only describes but shows how Jacque's cities could look on the research center's land.

The research center of The Venus Project is the 21.5 acre design center in still pristine south-central Florida, where the future is always taking shape. The actual buildings and conference center are supplemented by models, illustrations, blueprints, posters, books and video presentations. These are the first steps that have been completed to help one see, feel, and touch the proposed future. Tour seminars are held here in Venus, Florida on scheduled Saturdays. During the tour, Jacque Fresco will speak for many hours explaining the direction of The Venus Project, walk you around the grounds, show and describe the models, present a brief video and take any questions you may have.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Venus Project-Space

I have to admit that I am a sci-fi fan/geek. I love Star Trek and Star Wars. I remember when Star War came out. I was six year old. My parents took us to the drive-in to see it. I was grounded and had to turn around in the seat because I wasn't allow to see it. Little did anyone realize I could see it in the back windshield. That night my love affair with space began. Even today, my son and I have a Star Wars marathon every year. Star Trek is the basic staple in my viewing diet. I read Arthur C. Clarke, Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Asimov, Ron Hubbard, and any other sci-fi writer I can get my hands on. I love the idea of a whole universe out there that defies complete explanation and our feeble attempt to explore its wonders. I am in awe of Stephen Hawking. To have those ideas in your mind would be an incredible gift. I read his book, A Brief History of Time, not to mention seeing Stephen Hawking's Universe. I must mention Michio Kaku who is another genius that must be listed here. His book Physics of the Impossible is a must read for any serious sci-fi fan.

Can you imagine how far humans could go if money were no object? If you have seen Star Trek, you will notice that society on Earth no longer uses currency. People desire to learn, explore and study for the benefit of humankind. Everyone benefits from the advancement of science, art and literature. They can't understand the concept of a society ruled by money and greed.

With that introduction, I would like to post a short video where Jacque Fresco explains how man would explore, study and learn more about the final frontier.

Space stations provide the advantages of a gravity-free research environment. They can be entirely automated and self-contained to permit maintenance and self-repair without human intervention. These space stations would be able to monitor the earth's resources, as well as facilitate further research in the fields of meteorology and astronomy, work that is often difficult on Earth due to atmospheric interference.

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